
I know most of you have probably heard this story already, have researched it extensively, have possibly had your own experiences around New Mexico, but I have just returned from the Roswell UFO festival and it is on my mind. 

What I'm going to be sharing in this article is a recap of the UFO incident but also more Incidents that have happened around the world. 

Project bluebook will be saved for another time. 

what many believe to of been a high-altitude balloon crashed in 1947 near Roswell New Mexico, becoming a conspiracy dream and legend involving UFOs. 

I don't want to get into how the government keeps things from us as the government is made from humanity and humanity is prone to keeping things secret. 

In 1947 the world was in the midst of a flying saucer craze that ended in the 1960s. When I say ended, I mean sightings and reports did not make the front page anymore. 

Rancher WW Brazel discovered some unusual debris on his Farm in the summertime. The material of the debris was tinfoil, rubber and sticks. The following month he took the items to a Roswell sheriff who then contacted the army who in turn collected the rest of the wreckage. Soon rumors, stories, and eventually press releases began to fly all about the US about UFOs landing in New Mexico. 

And then, as is tradition with the military, it was announced that the saucer debris was actually a weather balloon. The incident faded from headlines in newspapers but it was revived in the 1980s with books and eventually movies and TV shows. The conspiracy still lives to this day to the point where it seems, we know that the military was covering up most of it. 

The craziest part of this incident was that bodies were found... Supposedly. 

The term UFO is an abbreviation for unidentified flying object. Most UFOs are eventually identified as either hoaxes or atmospherical phenomenon. We've all seen strange clouds that make us question things. It happens. 

The earliest UFO sightings actually began in 1561 where the appearance of a large black triangular object was seen over Nuremberg. there were also hundreds of spheres, cylinders, and other odd shaped objects seen flying around it. If a Star Wars like battle took place over Earth, I am sad to have missed it. 

in 1878 the Denison daily news printed an article in which a local farmer saw a large dark circular object flying at a wonderful speed. In 18 thousands of people reported seeing airships in various parts of the United States. In 1904 the USS supply which was a schooner rigged iron steamer, reported seeing three bright red meteors, one egg shaped and the other two round that approached beneath the cloud layer. Then in 1916 to 1926 we begin to get pilot sightings. Bright lights flying unnatural maneuvers around the aircraft and then in World War II the legendary Foo Fighters Were seen. 

Foo Fighters are metallic spheres that emanate a light that follow aircraft. They were reported on both sides of the war. Some possible explanations of these Foo Fighters are Saint Elmo's Fire, which is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created in a strong field such as a thunderstorm, the planet Venus, or oxygen deprivation hallucinations. 

And then of course there is also German secret weapons. The Hanebau II is one such conspiracy theory. According to the story, Allied troops raided a building in Nazi Germany and came across plans and sketches of a Nazi UFO. Other theories describe that these craft were indeed made in secret bases in Antarctica, South America, or even in the United States, hidden away long after the war ended. 

The strange thing is that many of these reports conform to well documented history such as Nazi Germany claiming territory in new Swabia in Antarctics and sending an expedition there as well as conducting research in advance propulsion technology. 

The Foo Fighters phenomenon was also thought to be prototypes designed to harass Allied aircraft. 

And now we get into project bluebook territory which begins in 1948. Next time! 

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Signs point to Grudges and a particular Blue Book


Unusual Pets